This series of installations promotes the beauty of nature and our accomplishments, highlighting moments of hope amidst rampant ecological crises. A circle itself has endless meanings – infinity, timelessness, completeness, wholeness. The Circle renders this symbolic shape in light. Each installation is placed in a key location within nature, at appropriate scales, orientations, and relationships to the viewer, to highlight environmental successes.
We live in an era where oil spills, extinctions, fracking, deforestation, receding coastlines and other environmental tragedies are common headlines. But in the last hundred years since the development of the National Park Service, and the almost 50 years since the burning Cuyahoga River sparked outrage that led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, significant ecological advances have occurred. However, our achievements don’t often make the headlines that our failures do.
The Circle counters the environmental narrative of never-ending defeat. It can be applied to all sorts of contexts, from a piece of legislation to a simple yet beautiful moment, highlighted by the art.
Client: Self-Initiated
Program: Cultural, Public Art
Status: Complete
Size: 100 SF
Location: Various
Architect: KM,A (Kyle May, Robert Prochaska, Hansong Cho)
Artist: Smriti Keshari
KM,A, Smriti Keshar